'The best/only reliable ways to contact me are through the accounts/sites listed below. Pretty much all of the emails, messages, tweets, and asks I get through these accounts get sent automatically to my phone, and I answer them as soon as I get a chance. There is currently not a mailing list of any kind, so if you'd like to receive notifications of updates for these stories, I'd recommend bookmarking or following my twitter or tumblr.
Email: myheartisinohio [dot] chemistry [at] gmail [dot] com
Twitter: @ohiowrites
Tumblr: ohiowrites (I answer every ask I get, but if your question is super spoilery, please ask off anon so
I can reply directly to you! I'd hate to spoil anyone who doesn't want to be spoiled)
All of the stories on this website and the characters depicted within them are considered the sole property of the author. Any reposting or theft of this content without due credit will be considered plagiarism, and will be met with a swift kick to the throat and/or legal action. Seriously, I've been writing these stories for years, and they're all posted online for free so that people can enjoy them. Don't be that dick who steals from me and ruins it for everyone.
Email: myheartisinohio [dot] chemistry [at] gmail [dot] com
Twitter: @ohiowrites
Tumblr: ohiowrites (I answer every ask I get, but if your question is super spoilery, please ask off anon so
I can reply directly to you! I'd hate to spoil anyone who doesn't want to be spoiled)
All of the stories on this website and the characters depicted within them are considered the sole property of the author. Any reposting or theft of this content without due credit will be considered plagiarism, and will be met with a swift kick to the throat and/or legal action. Seriously, I've been writing these stories for years, and they're all posted online for free so that people can enjoy them. Don't be that dick who steals from me and ruins it for everyone.